Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to School

    I can't believe that in a week and a half, I will be entering my second semester as a sophomore in college.  First of all, I am unsure really, as to where the first three semesters went.  Time passes so much more quickly now that I am longing to simply, just be a Speech Therapist all ready (but lets face it,  first I have a couple more years at Lindsey and then a few years of graduate school before I can complete this aspiration).  I have been out of school since December 9th, and I will officially begin classes on January 20th.  This is quite the lengthy break and I am curious to see how I transition from watching E!, MTV and episodes of The Talk (my new favorite talk show... you should go check out the link) all day  to writing papers and studying how communication is best effective for example, in a group setting. 
   I love school, and I have always taken my education seriously.  For as long as I can remember, I have loved to learn.  It first started with kindergarten.  I couldn't wait to be left alone with my fellow classmates and dabble in finger painting, reading, writing and interacting with new friends.  Elementary school soon turned into middle school and those three years quickly transformed into high school.  As with most people, the transition from high school to college was huge!  I have always seen myself as sort of an old soul.  I have always known that I would one day be in college and with this expectation developed the need to work hard and make this happen.  I have loved the college experience so far and I am proud of the work that I have completed so far. 
   I will be sure to keep you guys posted on how transitioning back to school goes, but until then I want to make the most out of these last few days.  I plan on making a few more hats, getting my wardrobe back to school ready, spending some more time with friends and just reading for no real purpose except for enjoyment.  I think this is a maintainable game plan... don't you!?!?!


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