Monday, April 7, 2014

A New Chapter is Beginning!

  Wow.  Life sure does have a way of blessing us with much more than we deserve! Last week I received the news that I have been praying God to bless me with for over a year.  I found out last Monday, that I was accepted into my dream graduate school and that I am formally a cohort of Western Kentucky University's master of science program in the speech language pathology major starting next fall.  Words will never describe the relief and peace that flew over me in that moment.  I had achieved what I thought at times was impossible and it was all with God's blessing and grace; but most importantly for his glory.  In the last few weeks before I found out, I decided that I was going to give it all over to God and that I would allow him to move in my situation as he saw fit rather than only how I  dreamed and wanted.  I prayed day after day the prayer that has become a reoccurring theme in my quiet time... "God have your way and fulfill in me what you alone desire for me to have."  You see, life should be nothing more and nothing less than a fulfillment of our heavenly father's plan for our lives.  We should desire nothing more than to see his will carried out. Our plans should become secondary to the plans of our creator.

  I guess you could say that I put all of my eggs into one basket.  I ignored the adamant advice of my professors and only applied to one school.  I was trusting that my feeling that God was calling me to this specific program at this specific time would be enough to allow me the faith that I needed to trust only him.  I only took the GRE one time and only allowed myself to study for less than one month.  Me, the girl who gets testing anxiety way too easy, who took the ACT on three horrendous occasions and  too easily second guesses herself, was believing that God would bless my score and carry me through that obstacle in my path.  God was sufficient and he moved in that situation and helped me become very competitive with my GRE score.  I don't say this to bring any glory to myself and my abilities but to show that God is a wonderful provider and he blesses those who believe that he will fulfill the promises he makes over our lives (Luke 1:45).  In the words of the amazing gymnast Gabby Douglas, "I give all the glory to God.  The glory goes up to him and the blessings fall down on me."  When we trust, believe and give glory to God for every thing in our lives, amazing things happen!  This is a wonderful equation that yields blessings.

  My challenge for you is simple, believe that God will do the impossible in you.  God does not require that we are masters of a specific craft or have amazing skills, he simply requires that we are willing to place all of our trust and faith in him and believe that he will fulfill the promises that he has made for our lives.  God only requires the faith of a mustard seed and he will bless that and turn it into something unimaginable.  I often am reminded that our dreams are only as big as the God we believe in.  We were not made to live this life on our own; we were created to follow the glorious God whose heart is kind, whose eyes blaze like burning fire and whose power is enough to move mountains and make even the most scary dream possible.  God is the ultimate and he is worthy of all the glory that we could every muster.  I ask that you pray for me as I enter this new journey and that you all will join me in choosing  daily to trust God and follow the path that he has laid for our lives.

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