Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cha-Cha-Cha Changes!

A lot has changed since I last posted on here.  In December, 2012 I graduated from Lindsey Wilson College.  I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in Communication and Psychology.  Post graduation, I waited for God to place me in the job that he would desire for me to have.  It was a very trying time for me because with lots and lots of job interviews came lots and lots of frustration and no job prospects.  My luck changed in the summer of 2013 when God blessed me with an amazing job.  I work at a pediatric clinic that services children and teens with a variety of special needs.  I am happy beyond words to go to work every day.  I love the children that I work with and I feel that God is allowing me to make an impact in the lives of the families that I work with.  It is amazing how perfectly God changes the circumstances of our lives so that he receives the Glory for what unfolds.

I feel that my life is still evolving.  Right now, I am waiting to hear back from graduate school to see if I have been accepted to begin my journey as a Speech Language Pathologist.  I love this field of work and I know that God has filled my heart with this passion for a reason.  I should know within the month if I was accepted or not so prayers would definitely be appreciated!  I'm excited to see what other blessings God has waiting for me.

I hope to keep up with this blog more consistently in the future.  I realized the other day that blogging is something that I really enjoy.  I will keep you all posted on how the future continues to unfold and I plan to overhaul my blog in the coming months so that it is more conducive to the new direction that I feel God is leading me to, through this.  Until next time friends!!

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