Friday, February 4, 2011

My new project... and Why Yes I Have Lots of Them!

   Okay, so you know you have become addicted to crocheting when... you almost die because you found a crochet pattern to make a case for your kindle!  This is what my life has become.

Courtesy of Little Birdie Secrets

    Needless to say, I will more than likely start on this soon.  I have so many projects, to get done, and only so much time in the day to do it.  If you guys are wondering how school is going, I have to say that I really enjoy my classes so far.  I am in both Gender and Intrapersonal Communication classes this semester in addition to the rest that I am taking. I like learning about these subjects, and I have found that I have a made a lot of self discoveries about both the opposite sex and myself.  Which is always good right? 



  1. I totally was going to tell you about this pattern!

  2. what a GREAT idea! Are you going to be taking orders? I have a color Nook and would love to get one of these.
