Friday, February 25, 2011

Sister Intuition....

Hello all!  This week I found a new crochet headband that I have come to love, because they are beyond cute and easy/fast to make.  It is called The Knotted Headband and here is a picture of the very first one that I made...

As the story goes, I found the pattern on Tuesday night after a long night of writing papers and I decided that I would work on making one the next morning when I had time.  It turned out better than I thought it would and I instantly thought that I should make one for my big sister.  Fast forward to Thursday afternoon and before I entered my last class of the day, I thought that I would text her and tell her the good  news.  Later that night when I was checking my email and Facebook, I got a notification from none other than my sister.  I clicked on it and found a link, to the exact headband that I was making her, and found a comment that this was what she wanted me to make her. Freaky!  Little did she know I had this planned all along.  I had a huge laugh about it and I finished hers today and it is waiting here for when we go to camp next weekend.  I think that she will really like it!



  1. YAY!

    I will love it.
    and you are going to camp? I had no clue!

  2. That is crazy that she was making you one too!!! And I do like it lots!
